Minute of the general assembly in Georg Jensen Society Sept. 1. 2008.

The general assembly in the Georg Jensen Society was held at Voldmestergade 4, Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.

Election of the meeting’s chairman and recording secretary.

Morten Moeller Georg Jensen was chosen as the meeting’s chairman, and as recording secretary.

Establishment of whether a due notice of the meeting has been given.

The chairman of the meeting established that the meeting had been called with due notice, as letters were sent out primo August 2008.

Report from the committee

Michael Krogsgaard presented the report from the committee 2007-08:

The period since the last general assembly has been a quiet year for Georg Jensen Society. But now most of our energy this forthcoming winter and spring will been used on the preparations for the next large exhibition: "4 x Jensen" about Georg Jensen and his 3 artistic sons: Jørgen Jensen, Søren Georg Jensen and Ib Georg Jensen. The planed exhibition will concentrate on the history of Jørgen’s early period and time in Sweden and the more personal life work of Søren and Ib during their life time including sculptural work, plus cheramic works as well as silver. The board has formed an organizing committee consisting of all board members, Liv (daughter of Ib Georg Jensen), Ellis and Morten (great grandchildren of Georg Jensen) and Michael (Chairman and married to Pia Georg Jensen). With regard to the location for the exhibition, negociations are taking place.

Besides the exhibition "4 x Jensen" the board are still focused on bringing the exhibition "The unknown Georg Jensen" to Miami, US.

We are still working on the 2nd issue of Georg Jensen Magazine for some time and expect it to be out in the winter 2008. Several interesting topics are included; interview with Ib Blytgen conducted by Liv Caroe, a book review on Georg Jensen Silver and articles about pieces from The National Museum of Sweden. The Board thanks the members fore their patience.

Ellis has updated our home page (gjsilver.org) with new colors, links, text and now our society members can also get the opportunity to be informed about our business and see the expanded family tree of Georg Jensen.

Other activity this last year involved the chairman’s presentation on Georg Jensen art and personal history in "Antik Historisk Selskab" in Struer, Jutland. The attending persons were very interested in the subject.

Finally, it is once again very satisfactory for the board to see the increasing interest and participation in the work from the members of the Society. As you can see, many members have come today to talk about the many pieces shown tonight and network.

The report was adopted.

Presentation of account.

The accounts were adopted.

Elections for the committee:

No members are up for election.

Election of auditor for the accounts (Morten Møller Georg Jensen is up for election).

Morten Moeller Georg Jensen was elected.

Any other business.


The art topics for the meeting were:

Returning from Paris – Georg Jensen 1926-35

Michael Krogsgaard told about the circumstances for Georg Jensen’s return to Denmark in 1926 and his re-established corporation with the Georg Jensen Silversmithy, about the introduction of his Paris designs in the Danish catalogue, and about his private production of silver works from the little silversmithy in the basement of his house at Lille Strandvej in Hellerup. We heard about Georg Jensen’s contact with business man Mr. Booth regarding emigration to USA and we studied the correspondence in connection with this.

Are works with Georg Jensen’s signature actually made by his hand?

The chairman gave a very interesting lecture about the Georg Jensen signature. We saw through the years and study the different versions that can be found in silver works. We discussed how works from his own hand can be distinguished from signed works that he has never touched.

Morten Møller Georg Jensen
